Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Share This: Part 4

The business of broadcasting has changed dramatically over the past several years. When people hear broadcasting, they typically think of television or radio stations. Even the idea of podcasts, a form of specialized internet radio, is starting to slip away as our culture begins to rely on spreading information visually rather than through audio. As social media becomes a staple for public relations, practitioners need to find a way to broadcast to their audiences in a way that will keep them engaged. YouTube has become a huge part of marketing and PR because of its visual nature and shareability. In addition, businesses can directly relate to their audiences through the comment section and be sure to respond in real-time.

Until next time!


Monday, February 29, 2016

No Rest For The Wicked

Tuesday was Picnic strike, during which the cast and crew returned the Stambaugh Studio Theatre to normal. For most of us it meant time for a well-deserved break! Of course, me being crazy me, I auditioned for the student directed one acts Wednesday night, had callbacks Thursday and was cast Friday.

And then I get to go home and take it all off.
Senior Jordan Michael Loyd will be my director for the absurdist one act play Chamber Music by Arthur Kopit. The play is about a group of women who believe they are historical figures living in an insane asylum. We will have a relatively short rehearsal period to prepare to perform in the Mathile Lab Theatre in April. However, I am extremely excited to be able to work on this piece and to learn from my peers.

So far, 2016 is going extremely well for me. The theatre business is incredibly challenging and often disheartening. Even getting into this program has been challenging; I auditioned twice to be a musical theatre major and was denied both times. I have only officially been cast in one show and have never had a callback before this week. However, it has driven me to work harder than anyone else and it seems that it is starting to pay off. I have been involved in two productions already in 2016 and am about to star in my third. Of course, it seems just a tad bit unfair that I have been type cast as a crazy lady. 

Until next time!


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Kid-Friendly Searching

Why don't adults get a funky robot background?
Google is now officially looking out for your children's innocence! Many of us have suffered the embarrassment of inappropriate results for seemingly harmless searches. For parents of young children, it can be frightening to let them loose when there is a chance of them finding something risqué. Thus, Google is now introducing Kiddle, a child-oriented search engine with features such as larger font for easy reading and strict restrictions on results. In addition, Kiddle does not collect any personal user information, unlike other search engines and websites.

As always, Google is extremely wise in their marketing techniques, widening their audience range dramatically. Earning that trust with parents will ensure brand loyalty and earns them favor with younger audiences that will continue to trust them for years to come.

Personally, I will be using Kiddle every time I am trying to search something around adults professors and my parents. Better safe than sorry.

Until next time!
