Monday, April 25, 2016

An Overview

What a year it has been. I often feel we as humans have a tendency to get stuck in the moment, stressed about what is going on and what needs to be done. This semester has been undeniably difficult for me but I have to keep reminding myself of how far I have come. I am not typically the type of person to share what I am going through, but I would like to give a recap of this academic year, to take the time to recognize the lows and to remind myself of the highs.

In somewhat chronological order:

  • I served as an Orientation Leader for the first time with an incredible group that stuck with me throughout the entire weekend (and some of which still talk to me).
  • I was hired at the Freed Center scene shop.
  • My family had to move out of my beloved childhood home.
  • I became a charter member of both Sigma Alpha Iota and Polar Cares.
  • I understudied with the world-renowned dance company, Taylor 2.
  • I started cutting again, after nearly 3 years of being clean.
  • Jessica killed herself.
  • I spent four and a half days in New York City with my best friend. We saw four Tony Award-winning musicals and met some of my heroes, including Wayne Brady and Lin Manuel-Miranda.
  • I completed 22 credit hours over the course of the first semester.
  • I learned how to fly.
  • I understudied with NYC-based dance company, Ballets With A Twist.
  • I served as Master Electrician for Picnic.
  • I was cast in the student directed one-act, Chamber Music.
  • I overdosed and ended up in the hospital.
  • I saw one of my favourite rappers, Kyle, and met/befriended a few talented local artists.
  • I had a mental breakdown and went home for two weeks.
  • I ended a two-year abusive relationship.
  • I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
  • I had to report my ex for stalking and harassment. 
  • I was nominated for Best Supporting Actor within the department for my role in Chamber Music.
  • I quit my sorority.
  • I will audition for the fall season tomorrow.
  • I will be initiated into the Theatre Honorary, Theta Alpha Phi, on Sunday.
  • By the end of the semester, I will have completed 25 credit hours.
These are just a few of the things that happened that have profoundly impacted me. It has undoubtedly been an eventful year, and it is not over yet. This will be my last blog for this class, but I value the lessons that I have learned and the opportunity I have had to share with my peers.

Be kind, be happy, and keep fighting the good fight.
