Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Measure What Matters: Chapter 11

Contrary to what Joan Jett would have you believe, reputation is something you absolutely should care about. That being said, you have to be able to come up with a way to make that reputation work for you and your product. A boy band like One Direction may strive to have a goody-two-shoes reputation whereas a deathcore band like Winds of Plague may strive to look tough and anarchistic. Though the latter is not what someone may view as a traditionally positive reputation, it aligns with their image.

In order to gain and maintain a reputation, you have to pay attention to what people are saying about you and respond to it accordingly. If you want your audience to see you in a certain way, you have to do what they like- or at least convince them to like what you are doing by backing it up. That is why stars can get away with so much that the average person could not. An athlete may break the law, but they are respected for their talent. Of course, I would suggest abiding by the law at all times, but being reliable with the quality of your output can sometimes say more about you than your individual actions.

Until next time!


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