Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Spring Break 2k16

Never have I ever gone on a spring break trip. Usually I use the time to pick up extra work hours at the coffee shop I have worked at for several years and tackle whatever projects I've been putting off, like deep cleaning or doing ironic cross stitching. This year, sadly, I was not scheduled to work and found myself with a lot of free time.
#nomakeup #nofilter #wokeuplikethis

The first part of my break was fairly uneventful: I followed up on some applications for summer internships, spent some time with my pet snake and went stargazing on some roofs. I am including the next part for the sake of full disclosure, rather than attention or pity: Tuesday night I had a near-death incident that put me in the hospital for most of Wednesday. I spent Thursday and Friday in a haze, sleeping and trying to recover. I am fine now and have outwardly moved on, almost like it never happened, but I can not shake the sense that I have experienced a profoundly esoteric event. As Mobb Deep (and Lin Manuel-Miranda) says, "I'm only 19 but my mind is old." I am always willing to talk to people about my past and am very proud of everything that I have overcome, but I am still processing what happened and probably will be for a long time. Rather than dwelling too much on it, enjoy the inclusion of an incredibly flattering picture my boyfriend, Dayvon, took of us that I have absolutely no recollection of.

In other news, Saturday was incredible! I bought Dayvon and I tickets to a concert for one of our favorite rap artists, Kyle Harvey, at Park Street Saloon in Columbus. There were three local acts before Kyle; two were entirely forgettable, but the third act was a trio that instantly caught my attention. Their frontman came out strong to a Kanye beat and maintained the high energy throughout their set by freestyling, handing roses out to girls in the audience and sharing some really intuitive lyrics. His name is sarob. (Rob Tate), and he was supported by his crowdsurfing friend and fellow rapper Joey Aich (still Joey Aich) as well as their DJ magician Möbius (Carter Moebius). Immediately following them was the main event, Kyle (previously known as K.I.D.) and his SuperDuper crew, all of whom were phenomenal to watch.

Of course, as soon as the show was over Dayvon and I rushed to the nearest Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the UFC Holly Holm vs. Miesha Tate and Conor McGregor vs. Nate Diaz fights. For the record, I absolutely called the results for both of them.

After following up with Rob and his friends the next day on Twitter, I discovered they are all students at Denison University, which is just a few minutes away from where I live. Dayvon and I met up with Rob at my coffee shop to talk about life and congratulate him on an awesome show. He turned out to be an absolutely lovely individual, humble to the point of pseudo-shyness and pursuing a degree in Political Science. Dayvon's father, Travis Davis, happens to collaborate on a Columbus-based hip-hop podcast, DaBeeside, so is looking at getting an interview for them.

If I had to sum up this week, I would say that life is absolutely crazy. I keep finding myself with all of these networking opportunities, whether someone is helping me or I am trying to help them, and it feels great to finally start making my mark on the world. Above all, I am super excited to make new friends, as always.

sarob. stuff: Soundcloud Twitter Website

Joey Aich stuff: Soundcloud Bandcamp Twitter Website

Möbius stuff: Soundcloud Twitter

Kyle stuff: Twitter Soundcloud Website - Look out for the rest of the SuperDuper crew, too!
Dayvon's dad stuff: Twitter Soundcloud DaBeeside

Thanks for looking at all the extra stuff in this post, and please actually check out the music these guys are making. They have a really neat vibe and I think they deserve all the new fans they can get.

Until next time!



  1. Your break sounded pretty eventful! I'm sorry to hear about you being in the hospital, but it sounds like you did not let that bring you down in terms of actually having a good break. It sounds like not having scheduled work this time around was a good thing!

  2. That's so cool you got to meet one of the opening acts and got to talk to him about life and stuff. It's always really cool to see and meet the artists that aren't well known and see their appreciation for their fans and just music and general.
