Sunday, March 20, 2016

Apple Release

Apple is announcing a new release tomorrow but interest is surprisingly low. Despite the mass success of the iPad Pro, iPhone 6 series and the Apple Watch, sales have begun to level off. Typically, Apple fans are chomping at the bit every time the company introduces a new product or upgrade. Real die-hard fans have a habit of purchasing every new product as soon as it comes out, even if their current model is in perfect working condition. Apple is notorious for their strong brand loyalty, making this lack of interest somewhat concerning.

As someone who uses an Apple laptop but an Android smartphone, I have a somewhat unique perspective on the Apple brand loyalty. Personally, I see myself continuing to use Apple laptops for a very long time. I have had my MacBook Pro for about six years and it still works incredibly well. Despite the abuse that I have put it through, it has proven itself to be durable and reliable, which is much more than I can say for the PC that I owned before it. Though I think PCs are absolutely more appropriate for certain professions, I have been extremely pleased with my product. However, I choose to be an avid Android user when it comes to smartphones because I think the interface is more user-friendly and the product is higher quality. As someone who has owned the same MacBook for six years, I think it is safe to say that I am not the type of person to run out and buy a new product every time an update is released. I find it frustrating that iPhone users are practically forced to buy a new smartphone every time Apple releases an upgrade because their device is rendered obsolete, whereas I have had my LG G3 for two years and am not looking to buy a new phone any time soon.

Apple is in dire need of an exciting new product in order to resurrect the fervor behind their brand. Not an update, something entirely innovative and new. The Apple Watch (which I thought was ridiculous but what do I know) sparked a huge movement of smart wrist-wear and garnered great success. Apple is known as an innovative company but the market is moving at lightning speed. Tim Cook will have to take special care to keep the Apple vision alive and relevant.

Until next time!



  1. I agree, Apple needs new products. The apple car is something that is too large and won't reach every home like how the iPhone did. I'm surprised (but maybe that's because they already have) Apple hasn't tried anything with virtual reality!

  2. I agree, Apple needs new products. The apple car is something that is too large and won't reach every home like how the iPhone did. I'm surprised (but maybe that's because they already have) Apple hasn't tried anything with virtual reality!

  3. With the benefit of hindsight, I and many others believe that the Apple release was very underwhelming. It was only an hour long and didn't really release anything new or innovative. The iPhone SE is just a small iPhone 6S and then they just announced new Apple Watch bands and an iPad pro with a smaller screen. My favorite part was the environment talk at the beginning and I think more companies should strive to be like Apple in that way.

  4. I wrote about the iPhone SE in my blog for this week as well. The thing is basically just the iPhone 5s with little upgrades. Could it be because Apple has ran out of new ideas for its smart phones? Our phones can already do so much, it seems as like smartphone companies are just playing with the size and shape of the phone at this point.
