Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Share This Part 3

One of the most ingenious uses of social media is its capability to reach specific audiences. Each network has its unique niche; Facebook has developed from a tool for college students to a tool used to keep families and long-lost friends together, Linkedin plays a huge role in professional networking, Twitter keeps followers updated in real-time, blogs provide a more personal outlet and most people still do not know how to use Google+.

Social media must be used to maintain the values of the organization. With Facebook, organizations can reach out to their customers and interact with them in order to develop a stronger community. Twitter allows organizations to have real-time conversations with their followers, as well as monitor what people are saying about them. These two are the giants of social media now, and organizations that are not using them are missing out on huge parts of their audience.


  1. Its amazing how similar, yet different each social media channel is. The way we see and perceive information is based, not only on the content, but platform used. Content marketing is not only focused on the literature but the platform and how it is shared.

  2. Its amazing how similar, yet different each social media channel is. The way we see and perceive information is based, not only on the content, but platform used. Content marketing is not only focused on the literature but the platform and how it is shared.
