Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Real-Time Chapters 6-7

The power of social media is undeniable. Nowadays, we think in hashtags and memes rather than headlines. Reading these chapters, it was fascinating to evaluate the shift in technology for the marketing and PR world over the past decade. Even this book, which was published in 2010, has become outdated in its commentary on social media platforms. For the author, Twitter was just beginning to take hold as a real-time tool. Nowadays, Twitter is the be-all-end-all for immediate information. One of the interesting examples the book used was President Obama's real-time response to a different politician's statements. Nowadays, presidential candidates live tweet debates, responding to statements within mere moments.

Twitter and other social media are also powerful tools for crisis management. When tempers run high and gossip is in the air, people can use social media to make immediate responses, often alleviating the situation almost immediately. Recently, music stars Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj got into an argument on Twitter; Minaj posted that she was upset with the way that the Video Music Awards were going, Swift replied thinking that it was about her, Minaj assured her that it was not, and Swift swiftly apologized. At the end of the day, because of the real-time problem-solving, it became a non-event.

Remember to apologize; it's the nice thing to do!

Businesses should take a lesson from Swift and Minaj, quickly dispelling any harsh feelings or negative energy in a real-time fashion.

Until next time!


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