Monday, January 25, 2016

Flying High in Freed

Being a theatre major often puts me in interesting situations. This past week, I spent most of my time in the air.

ZFX Flying Effects brought a variety of flying equipment and three flight instructors to campus and set up in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts for five days. Over the course of those five days, students had opportunities to operate all of the mechanisms, fit and fly in several different harnesses, and choreograph scenarios that are common in film and theatre. Personally, I preferred operating travel ropes and flying in a somersault harness, meaning that I had the mobility to perform flips. I also had the unique experience of flying in the "Billy Elliot" harness, which is fit for young boys in the musical "Billy Elliot," and running the stock choreography from that particular scene.

ZFX is known throughout the world as one of the leading Flying Effects organizations. Being able to work with their professionals and learn the basics of their equipment is an incredible resume builder. In the future, if I choose to audition for shows such as "Mary Poppins," "The Wizard of Oz," or "Peter Pan," my flying experience gives me a competitive edge. In addition, it was extremely fun, and I feel as if I got a full body workout from pulling ropes and stabilizing myself in the wires. 

Despite its small size, the Ohio Northern University theatre department continues to impress me with the guest professionals that they bring in and opportunities that they offer. Theatre is a kinesthetic art that requires practice to fully experience, something that our unique classes offer. Now when my friends at well known universities such as Carnegie Mellon or Cincinnati Conservatory brag about their programs, I can one-up them with all of the master classes and experience that I am getting. As always, I am proud to be a polar bear.

Until next time!



  1. Kathryn,

    That sounds like an awesome experience! This is definitely impressive for our small theater department. The best part is everyone that took the class has it for their resume, something I'm sure only a few theater performers have experienced. Wow now I wish I was in theater!

  2. That looks like so much fun! I am constantly stuck in the Engineering department, so it is exciting to hear about our impressive theater department and how it has grown. I still remember watching a Peter Pan play as a kid thinking to myself, "how are they flying like that?!" It certainly grabs the audience's attention and the students like you who get to learn and experience the art of theater. Best of luck to you!

    1. There were a lot of engineering students that came to learn about the machinery used; I'm sorry you didn't get to see it!

  3. This looks like it was an awesome experience for you! It's nice that the theater department offers programs like this to engage students in multiple learning aspects. Very fun! Good resume addition, and you'll always have the memory of flying high in Freed!
