Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Share This Parts 1 and 2

Long story short, social media is taking over the Internet, and public relations practitioners need to take heed.

With the uprising of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, it is now more than ever of the utmost importance to be able to connect with your audience at their level. As Internet communities are being developed based on interests and content, you have to learn how to immerse yourself as a company or organization in what is happening in real-time. This will make sure that your audiences recognize and remember you in the future, promoting your business. It is also essential to garnering new audiences- the more you are involved in social media, the more likely you are to come up in search results relating to your area of specialty! 

I really like the format of this new book. The use of multiple authors allows for several different opinions and perspectives that have worked for people in the past. I love having several different sources from which to choose. After all, we are a business of begging, borrowing, and stealing in order to develop a process that works best for us.

Until next time!


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