Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Real-Time Chapters 10-12

The things that stood out most to me in these chapters were the ways companies reached out to their customers throughout their transactions. Having a personalized hotel visit adds a sense of luxury and makes you feel as if you are a valued customer. Receiving benefits for participating with a hashtag or other form of media branding peaks interest and raises awareness of the company. Companies need to realize that every person they come across has the potential to be a customer or has been a customer in the past, meaning that they should treat them with the utmost respect and consideration. This sort of treatment will stand out to people and make them remember you as a pleasant experience.

At the local independent coffee shop that I used to work at, we were instructed to greet everyone upon arrival and to thank them as they left. Believe it or not, even these small gestures stood out as something that made our store more likeable compared to the other two locations in our area. Our emphasis on customer service and providing a pleasant experience earned us die-hard loyalty and raised company morale. To this day, I brag about how much I love that job, even though no one in Ada knows what River Road Coffeehouse is. At home, everyone I meet seems to have a story about how nice the employees at River Road are. Even as a small family-owned business, the way we take care of our customers sets us apart from anyone else in the region.
I will always love Del Monte for this funny tweet to my boyfriend!

Social media is one of the best ways to reach out to potential/past customers even when they are not physically with you. Having a well-maintained and responsive social media presence ensures that people will recognize and remember you, for better or for worse. Nowadays, experience sells more than a product does, so it is important to take initiative and begin your experience early.

Until next time!


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