Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New Year, New Study Habits

After a seemingly too-short winter break, the polar bears have returned to the tundra. In typical Ohio Northern fashion, we were welcomed back with below-freezing temperatures, ice, and snow. However, the weather is not what caught me off guard once returning to campus- it was my course load.

6) Cry.
As a double major and double minor, I am very used to heavy academic requirements. I have taken at least 19 credit hours every semester that I have been at this university and see no changes in my future. This semester I am taking 23 credit hours, as well as working 10 hours per week, serving as Master Electrician for the theatre department's production of "Picnic" by William Inge, hopefully being cast in other productions throughout the semester, and am involved in several other campus organizations. Normally, this would not faze me; I love being busy. However, this time my classes appear to be slightly more strenuous than I originally anticipated.

At least I'll get a good arm workout!
I came to ONU to pursue my love of theatre. Thus, many of my past courses have been geared towards performance. Acting and dance classes are certainly challenging in their own respects, but I have never been required to study or read so much as I have needed to rehearse. This semester, my classes require a whopping 13 textbooks. Monday night, I was responsible for reading and journaling about nine chapters before class on Wednesday. Though I am an avid reader, sifting through four different management textbooks can become tedious. For example, stage management and arts administration deal with many of the same issues and paperwork, making it difficult to differentiate between topics when trying to recall them later.

Of course, it is only the first week of classes. I am optimistic that I will be able to find my groove and be able to buckle down in order to accomplish all of my goals. Already, I find myself adjusting my note taking strategies and employing an especially strict timeline for myself to finish tasks. I have always sworn by to-do lists and planners, but my organization will clearly have to reach even greater heights if I am to have any prayer of surviving this semester.

I am looking forward to see how the next 15 weeks will pan out for me. I have certainly set the bar high, but I know that I can reach it. If any readers have study tips or organizational skills that have come in handy, I would love to hear about them in the comments! I pride myself on my near obsessive compulsive tendencies, but I always welcome a fresh perspective.

Until next time!


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